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The objectives, the development of

The implementation of the objectives

To achieve the goals of the project to create a "Museum of orchids," the company is the work of the project team.
The group's work will take place in several stages:

1. Preparatory phase (15.01.17 - 05.15.17).
During this period, the project team established, which is engaged in the decision of organizational questions to gather information about the family of orchid plants, collection and replenishment of plant collection, the design of the museum areas, preparation of design and estimate documentation for engineering services, establishment of contacts with interested and concerned organizations and individuals.

2. Stage of execution of works on creation of the museum (05/16/17 - 31/03/18).
During this period it will be made all the technical, construction and design work on the project, as well as work on the improvement and decoration of the museum area.
New plant collections will be created from the orchid family, supplemented the existing collection, and made a new group of plants that live in the environment under the same conditions with orchids. All plants will be included in the catalog of plants botanical garden according to their scientific classification and systematic position in the world of biology.
Also during this period will be held marketing efforts to attract and enhance public relations, research and cultural institutions, art, as well as centers for the organization and conduct of leisure of the population.

3. The final phase (01.04.18 - 17.05.18).
It assumes completion of all kinds of works on creation of the museum and the organization of all kinds uslugovoy activity on its territory.

4. The opening of "Museum of orchids" (05.18.18 - 20.05.18)!


Employees' orchids Museum "project plan not only to its creation, but also development. The main purpose - the expansion and popularization of knowledge of the general public in the fields of biology, ecology and environmental protection, as well as in the field of art, culture, museum and tourism!

To realize these goals, it is planned to establish contacts at the level of cooperation with the leading manufacturers of the world of orchids, with private collectors, with research institutions, with the central botanical gardens in our country and other countries, with the city's museums and cultural institutions and the arts.

First of all, the project specialists intend to establish a business partnership with the National Park "Russian North", as the principal and chief curator of the natural populations of our northern orchids.

Already at this preparatory stage, we have contacts in cooperation with institutions such as:

Vologda State Technical University, Department of Botany and Ecology.
On the basis of the Botanical Garden of the experimental area three students already carry out their diploma theses.

Vologda State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve.
Employees of the museum has come to us in the Botanical Garden with a large tour group cognitive purpose and the establishment of friendly relations.

In order to establish business contacts and exchange of experience employees Vologda Botanical Garden in February 2017 will go to the major botanical gardens of our country: Main Botanical Garden RAS NV Tsitsin Moscow and the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University "Apothecary Garden".
Arrangements have already been obtained for the primary contacts.