In "Botanica" gets its very own brand new bus, is now to get a group in the botanical garden will be even more convenient.
Details on the conditions of use of the bus by phone: 8-921-824-00-21 и 8-921-129-68-07
Sightseeing tour "Around the world in half an hour" + 50 rubles to the cost of the ticket
Excursion "Myths and legends about the plants"+ 50 rubles to the cost of the ticket
Экскурсия "drug plants" + 50 rubles to the cost of the ticket
Экскурсия "World of poisonous plants" + 50 rubles to the cost of the ticket
Экскурсия "The world of fruit and edible plants" + 50 rubles to the cost of the ticket
Tour of the flowering plants + 50 rubles to the cost of the ticket
Tour Dekorativnolistvennye plants + 50 rubles to the cost of the ticket
Amateur Photo and Video + 50 rubles to the cost of the ticket
Workshop on building a flower arrangement - 150 rubles
Rent greenhouse - 5 000 rubles per hour
Rent Training Class - 1 000 rubles per hour
Rent an experimental pilot zone - 500 rubles per hour
Rental area with mini-bar - 2 000 rubles per hour
Professional photo shoot - a group of three people, 2 000 rubles per hour
Wedding in Botanical garden "Botanika"
Want to make the most memorable celebration in your life unforgettable? In this case, make sure you try, what is a wedding in the Botanical garden. Beautiful place, it is necessary to conduct this ceremony. This will be an incredibly pleasant surprise and will give a lot of pleasant moments, if you approach it in most creative.
Wedding in the Botanical garden will allow to show a kind of unity with nature that will be the key to happiness and even success.

We invite you to dive into the amazing world of tropical plants, admire the exotic plants and take a picture the key to happiness and even success.

Present to your attention a pet Botanical garden - monkey-igranka Martin!The name marmoset is justified - our monkeys are very playful, active and clever.
Tamarins - these are the smallest monkeys on Earth, their growth is 10 to 15 cm, tail Length is 20 cm, the maximum life span is 10-12 years. The coat color common marmosets have black or gray on the tail alternate light and dark stripes, ear tufts and forehead white or light gray. Observe igrokami very interesting. If they have a sense of danger, they are ready to show their strength and even willingness to attack and defense. In such cases, the leader begins to move and press the tufts of hair behind the ears, usablenet wool, curved arc body, scary frowns and his tail moves back. Sometimes, the leader of the marmoset to show their power and independence, and can arrange the whole idea, and without apparent reason. In fact, as in nature, and these monkeys are not aggressive and very timid. In a quiet environment, tamarins barely audible chirp.
Now we have around the island of lovers swim gold fish, come make a wish.

Announcements of excursions

The mode of operation of the Botanical garden
To us you can reach by public transport:
Took place the opening of the Botanical garden.
In the Botanical garden collected more than 300 different species of plants from different corners of the earth. This is a joint project between business, government and scientists. A unique tourist attraction, which is part of the cluster "Nason-city" is located in Ershovskiy lane.
"The main principle of placing in our greenhouse – continental. All the plants divided by zones of growth in the natural environment. Guests will be able to meet sections such as Australia, America, Asia and other continents", – said the head of the Botanical garden "Botany" Elena Levchenko.
Many of the exhibits were collected over three decades. Among the most ancient plants – palm hamerops, she is 68 years old. The beauty of the garden can be seen from the observation tower. It is located on the island in the center of the pond with goldfish. In a separate room settled butterflies, parrots, chameleons and tortoises. Many butterflies are native to Costa Rica and from Thailand. For the collection of the Vologda went on a little trick and directly in the butterfly garden began to grow.
"This project is interesting because it brings together enthusiasts, and in addition, be cognitive. Here you can bring your students to show these plants. There's a special audience, when it prepared a training laboratory," – said the member of the Public chamber of the Vologda region, doctor of biological Sciences Elena Bakhtenko.
Unique exotic area created with the support of the city authorities. The new facility will be another center of attraction for tourists. Just last year Vologda was visited by over 700 thousand guests. Will now be another reason.
"The Botanical garden included in the program of "Nason-Gorod". The city undertakes infrastructure. The first stage of reconstruction of the road has already been completed. Addresses were made to us and the Parking lot solved the problems with the connections with the land and will continue to work in close dialogue", – commented the head of economic development Department of Vologda Andrey Kiselev.
Is located Botanical garden in the district Lukyanova at: Ershovskiy lane, 10A. The orangery is open daily from 11 to 18 hours. You can get here on bus # 11. It offers not only an unforgettable tour but also exciting workshops and educational sessions.
We present to your attention a companion Sebastian - the Madagascar Gecko. Arrived from St. Petersburg. The street suffered well!
His name is Dollar. He used to live in a zoo of St.-Petersburg together with the Gecko on behalf of the Euro, and visitors to the zoo were able to watch the growth rates.
Habitat: Island of Madagascar and nearby Islands.
Description: Gecko is only a day way of life. From their enemies makes a protective coating that helps to blend in with the environment, and easily torn skin, so the reptile just slips out of the claws of the enemy. Life span in captivity up to 20 years. They eat crickets, mealworms, cockroaches also eat a variety of vegetables and fruits and mix!
Meet the Scorpio Sebastian! Also coming out to us from the Northern capital!
Welcome to the Botanical garden.
Habitat: Moist forests of Tanzania.
Description: Scorpio is one of the most popular types, due to the very weak venom (power is equal to the venom of wasps or bees). It feeds on insects, mice, frogs and other small animals. The night goes on the hunt. Prey captures powerful claws and eats alive. The sting with poison is only occasionally used to paralyze prey. Life expectancy more than 10 years. The nature of these Scorpions, quite nervous, sometimes aggressive.
Dear women: mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters , favorite!!
We congratulate you with International Women's day and wish You feel women are not alone, and 365 days a year!
It is symbolic that on the eve of March 8 in our Botanical garden has blossomed Hippeastrum beautiful and amazing monster!
Happy holiday, dear women!.
Continued improvement of areas in the Botanical garden.
Corn snake- a new resident in the botanic garden.
Corn snakes are found in the United States, from southern New Jersey south through Florida, west into Louisiana. However, corn snakes are most abundant in Florida and the Southern U.S. They live in pine forests in wooded groves, as well as rocky hillsides, mountain canyons, meadowlands, woodlots, barns and abandoned buildings. They are primarily diurnal; however, they are very secretive spending most of their time prowling through rodent burrow, hide under loose bark and beneath logs, rocks during the day.
The Botanical Garden has a new pet - Leopard eublepharis
Eublepharis is first described by the British zoologist Edward Grey in 1827. The etymology of the name comes from the Greek words, meaning "true, good eyelid." Many geckos lack of eyelid, but the leopard geckos' are movable, allows them to blink or close their eyes when sleeping. Toepads, which the other geckos use to climb on vertical walls and glass aquaria, are not present in the leopard geckos. These geckos are nocturnal, their food include other lizards, insects, spiders and scorpions.
Although this lizards drinks water, they drink as a cat - lapping tongue.
Homeland of leopard geckos are in India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the rocky terrain of Iran. This lizard is strictly nocturnal, in daytime hide in burrows of others.
The winners of the contest "A friendly home - a cozy house" visited the Botanic Garden, which our expert gave a fascinating tour and finally the contestants put on the memory bay tree.
Laurel is considered a sacred tree, his head is adorned with winner wreaths in ancient Greece.
The Botanic Garden-home of zebra finches!
Zebra-finch is one of the most popular pet birds . They appeared later in Europe, Japan and has been imported from the Australian continent. Zebra finch is one of the most beautiful and spectacular natural coloring remained.
The Botanical Garden has a new pet - Nhandu chromatus (white striped tarantula).
This tanrula is a desried species due to its combination of size, and beauty. These spiders live in the tropical forests of Eastern Brazil. Their shelters are in a vacuum under the roots of trees and bushes or dig shallow holes.
The body size of adults is 8-9 cm; legspan is 20 cm.
Life expectancy of females is 15 to 20 years.
They are not aggressive; however, they can be quite nervous and fast. They do not hestitate to flick hair as a defense. their hair is itchy and people will get a rash from them.
The Botanical Garden has its first pet - a parrot Ozherelovy Grisha.
Ozherelovye parrots - attracted people not only for their beautiful bright green with a bluish tinge in a delightful area of neck feathers, and his grace, and erudition is not afraid of the word mind. The distinctive features of the plumage of parrots ozherelovyh is sufficiently broad band of saturated pink bird in the neck, and a black tie. With these features, they got a legendary name " ozherelovye".
The Botanic Garden has imported plants for the improvement of living and trainung areas. The opening of the Botanic Garden is scheduled in spring 2016.