Orchids Museum will be located on an area of 500 m2. It will include the following stands:
1. The scientific description of the plant family Orchidaceae.
2. The historical procession description orchids for centuries and epochs.
3. Plants Orchids Russia.
4. Orchids North and Vologda region.
5. Tropical orchid Africa.
6. Tropical Orchid Asia.
7. Tropical orchid America.
8. Orchids in human life.
9. The production of orchids in the world.
On the stand will be presented №1 complete scientific description of orchid plants in terms of botany, ecology and other natural and mathematical sciences. The features of the structure and propagation of plants of this family, as well as the characteristics of their life forms and place in ecosystems and the planetary ecosystem.
Stand №2 tell the age of orchids on the planet Earth, the history of discovery and study of these plants, as well as their comprehensive insight into the person's life.
№3 Stand dedicated to orchids Russia. On the territory of Russia and the adjacent former Soviet Union focused 419 orchid species belonging to 49 genera. The most famous of domestic orchids - snowy night violet or Lyubka a two-sheeted (Platanthra bifolia) with a delicate aroma, elegant lady's slipper (Cypripedium calceolus), resembling a miniature satin slipper, and orchids, cuckoo tears (Orchis) - pink-purple flower unique velvety pattern on the petals. True, to meet them in the woods it is possible not to everyone - they are listed as endangered.
On the stand will №4 contains complete information about all types of orchid plants growing on the territory of the Vologda region, of which there are 29. Most of these plants are listed as endangered area, Russia and even the International Red Book. These are the plants, for example, it is the Lady's Slipper.
№5 stand will provide a complete and vivid picture of the tropical plants of Africa.
Stand №6 devoted to the description of the Asian plants.
№7 stand will introduce visitors to the tropical orchids America.
Stand №8 will provide visitors comprehensive information about the role played by orchid plants in human life. It gives description of the use of orchids in all spheres of life: production, culture and art, medicine and cooking, as well as in the flower business.
Stand №9 will give an idea about the production of orchids in the world. Introduces us to the modern technology of growing these plants abroad. It demonstrates techniques and breeding methods of orchid plants.
The territory of the museum will be divided into zones, where the key elements, in addition to stands and exhibits will be themed compositions. Visitors will see what it looks like "Thai Garden", "Corner of tropical forest", "Orchids-lithophytic". In the song "Orchids - an object of art" will be able to appreciate the significance of these plants for creativity. Fall "in the tropical jungle of the Amazon" and will be able to contemplate the scenery "Japanese garden."
The clear impression on visitors should make elevation - imitation mountain, in the center of the museum site, which will allow surveillance to consider the height of the entire panorama of the museum. The mountain itself will also be adapted for the cultivation of different groups of plants, and also for the movement of people.