Value for Vologda and Vologda region
The value of the object to Vologda and Vologda region.
Manual SB "Floral Region", the staff of the Vologda Botanical Garden in his efforts aimed at the interests of the general public, as well as increasing the tourist attractiveness of the region. The first object we created Vologda Botanical Garden "Botany" has a regional dimension.
Similar facilities exist in major cities of Russia and other countries of the world. And despite its unique and separate the most advanced features, "Botany", no more than another object, which is interesting to visit. But the level of need to visit such a facility is in the middle range of people's interest. Planned to create a "Museum of orchids", will be the first in the world (so far not found analogues), and it will fundamentally change the relationship to the object among tourists. In addition, that in itself the object will be first in the world, one of the essential indicators of its work will be and the largest species, and quantitative collection of more than 400 species and 16,000 units (the largest collection in the world in the Garden Orchid Singapore 360 kinds of 15,000 units. the biggest in Europe, Estepona, Malaga, Spain 280 species, 12,000 pcs.), which will be collected during the first 6 years of operation of the Museum. And it is achievable numbers, because the first year of the Botanical Garden, without the purpose of creating a collection of orchids, 30 species were collected, and 950 units of orchids. A lover of orchids Vologda is ready to provide for the use of the Museum free of his collection of more than 100 species.
And the most important thing is that with the help of the Museum can be implemented to clearly define the tourist line of "National Park" Russian North"(the locus of the northern orchids), the museum complex Ferapontovo - Vologda (Museum of lace, Sophia Historic Museum of orchids)." There is no doubt that part of the foreign tourists, naturalists and scientists subsequently, will be interested in visiting this unique route.