"Landscape center" - an independent division of association "Flower Region", working in close collaboration with the garden center under one brand "4 GARDENS."
Our main idea is to help people create "A garden of their dream". We strive for beautiful, convenient, attractive and unique during all four seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall.
Our main activities are relative to landscape design that includes the design for a whole area or individual elements, as well as implementation of these projects to life, which is accompanied by various kinds of landscape works.
"Landscape center" provides a wide range of activities at the garden and plots (check the Price-list for more information):
- production of lawns,
- creation of reservoirs,
- paving and construction of retaining walls,
- creation of sites for recreation,
- planting in single and group compositions at sites,
- creation of rockeries and alpine.
Collaboration with the "Garden Centres" allows us to use the entire range of goods in our activities. It also gives regular customers the right to enjoy the same privileges as in retail outlets.
The central office LC "4 Gardens" is located in the pavilion of Garden centre at Poshehonsky highway 48. Pavilion opens all year and our customers can already start preparing during winter to very transient northern summer season.
We have become more affordable for you!
Т/ф 8(8172)78-99-14, 28-43-38, т/м 8(921)235-66-74, clr@flregion.ru